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The Semi Precious Stone-Bloodstone Earrings

The earrings add finishing touch to any attire, they enhance your appearance and complete your look. The gemstone earrings are making a real come back and the bold styles are more popular. You can make a highly refined look and lasting impression by wearing blood stone earrings. This jewelry adds an extra flavor to your special occasions.

Bloodstone Earrings

Qualities of the ideal stone: The exquisite stone is a cabochon, which has round and polished edges without any facets. It is the birth stone for March, highly regarded for its Meta physical nature. The gem is dark green in color with uneven color distribution. The hematite, iron oxide impurities are the prime source for red and yellow spotting that is present on the surface of the gem. The sparkling gem is grouped under chalcedony, since it is in the form of microcrystalline quartz.

Blood stone triquetrous gold earrings: It is an exotic handmade jewelry, in which the cabochon cut stone is wrapped by elegant gold wires that is associated with triangular charm drop.

` Silver Venus earrings with blood stone: The Venus earrings is the most customized jewelry, you can add beads or other variations as you wish. The stunning earring is 40mm long with silver plated acrylic charms.

The vintage styles dangle earrings: The kidney shaped sterling silver wire links the pretty blood stone, black glass and quartz chips together and allow them to dangle. This phenomenal hand crafted earring is the most sought after jewelry, owing to its earthly elegance.

Preserving the jewelry: While cleaning the gemstone jewelry with mild soap, ensure that the soap residues are properly cleaned. The gemstone is relatively soft, so store the gemstone separately in a fabric lined box, storing it with other hard stones such as diamonds, rubies and emeralds will result in the surface scratches of the fabulous blood stone.


Citrine Gemstone

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes

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