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Glittering Stones >> Gem jewelry >> Kunzite Earring

Semi Precious Stone Kunzite Earring

Kunzite EarringThis gemstone with its fine, fragile pink is not only an ideal valuable stone for lovers; it is also popular as a curative stone. Kunzite is said to improve a person's capacity for devotion and considerate and to bestow inner peace and joie de vivre on its wearer. And since it is also said to make active the brain and liberate us from worry and nervousness, it is an excellent gemstone for those pain from strain or exam nerves. Whether or not one actually believes in these optimistic effects, one thing is certain: its fine pink with a hint of violet radiates a serene equanimity and keeps moods of depression and worry at bay right from the outset. Try it for yourself!

Healing ability: The place for this stone is the Crown Chakra. Because of its high lithium content, it is optional for mental disorders involving severe/manic depression. It is a good stone to be worn by star children and walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy.



Citrine Gemstone

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes

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